I yield to no one in my respect for the intelligence and dedication of Public Company Accounting Oversight Board member Lewis Ferguson – whose deep involvement with the accounting profession I have known for decades.
But Ferguson recently came wrong on an issue for all parties involved with large-company financial information, that threatens to contribute to a re-ignition of the 1990’s brouhaha over the permissible scope of services deliverable by auditors.
As an adjunct to his day job in Washington, Ferguson is chair of the International Forum of Independent Audit Regulators – a global collection of bureaucrats whose agencies sprouted around the world in the post-Enron aftermath of the 2002 Sarbanes/Oxley law.
In that capacity, Ferguson was quoted recently that the auditors’ search to acquire expertise in the rapidly-evolving field of Big Data and its applicability to the practice of auditing “is a source of great concern to all regulators around the world,” and “raises serious concerns about differential levels of profitability in these businesses, differential rates of growth, where the economic incentives are and to what extent does audit quality suffer as a result”(IFIAR press conference April 10, 2014, at minute 17).
For Ferguson to suggest that auditors should be either inhibited or constrained from fully realizing the opportunities presented by Big Data is to be on the wrong side of its evolutionary trajectory.
Looking ahead today, the availability of Big Data – and the ability of management, auditors and financial information users alike to grasp and analyze all and every part of the recording and reporting of an enterprise – will shortly re-work completely the way in which assurance is performed and delivered.
With search algorithms and comprehensive analytics brought to bear, the very notion of audit by sampling – bedrock of traditional audit practice since its Victorian origins – will be rendered obsolete. Whole teams of audit staff, along with their elaborate and costly testing methodologies, will have no more raison d’être than buggy whips on an automobile, as incisive programmers scanning for irregularities will search the entirety of a massive data set with the push of a button.
A friend on the board of a global public company recently gave me a beginner’s Big Data lesson: a fraud-detection team, newly empowered with access to comprehensive data on the activities of the company’s entire employee base world-wide, was enabled through exception-searching analytics to identify – and to refer for prosecution – a manager who was routinely submitting expense claims that were both randomly different in amount and just below the policy threshold for supporting documentation – a detection task essentially impossible by traditional forensic means.
That and other extended Big Data assurance opportunities are nearly too rich to grasp – when a retail transaction at the cash register generates a stock replacement purchase order and a shipping invoice – when the nation-wide spread of epidemics is predicted not by laboratory results at the NIH but by web searches for symptoms and cures – when traffic snarls are reported not by eye-in-the-sky helicopters but by the pace of cell-phones carried by car-bound commuters.
This would not, of course, be the first time a regulator was behind the transforming consequences of change. Examples in the last decade alone included the unrestrained excesses started in the sub-prime mortgage market, and the unobserved invasion by the Chinese-based reverse mergers beneath the radar of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Most recently, regulators have been wrong-footed by the legal skimming of the high-frequency traders so entertainingly mapped in Michael Lewis’s spring book, “Flash Boys,” and the market-moving impact of Bank of America’s multi-year inability to do the sums required in the complex accounting for its capital.
The point missed by Ferguson’s suggested handcuffs on the auditors’ ambition is typical of those failing to appreciate the implications of inevitable change: the genie of Big Data is out of the bottle, and will not be returned. If the audit firms do not develop the models and methods for its deployment in the assurance process, and re-calibrate their business models accordingly, then new players in the market surely will, with existential consequences for the viability of the audit firms and their existing franchise.
Just because Ferguson takes a retrograde view of the future of Big Data in big-firm hands, however, does not mean that the accounting profession itself has it right. At the very least, there is a huge barrier of vision to overcome, as seen in the profession’s failure to evolve the basic and obsolete “pass-fail” reporting model into assurance that the markets will actually value and be willing to pay for.
And at worst, unless the profession gains credible and active engagement in the public dialog on the compelling case to acquire and deploy the skills and practices needed to bring Big Data to bear in the next generation of Big Audit, they will be setting the stage for a reprise of the disruptions of the 1990’s that saw their unfortunate capitulation on permissible scope of ancillary services, nowhere more unfortunately exemplified than in the avoidable debacle of the Andersen/Accenture divorce.
Questions deserving debate here are deeper and more profound than those of a narrow-focused regulator. So PCAOB member Ferguson deserves appreciation for opening a door to their exploration.
Thanks, Lew.
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