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May 30, 2015


Joe Conneely

Well Jim if there is hard evidence against Sepp I assume we will hear about it quick enough - until then the legal concept of innocent until guilty might be more in order (unlike the comments made by the UK Football Association after recent events).

Also your article makes no reference to the possible international anti-Russia benefits of the timing of the investigation given they host the event next in 2018 (not that I doubt their hands are clean from articles read around the time of prior events as to how they and Qatar handled promoting their bids).

Ultimately for me this is another sad and tragic example of how the reputations of major international organisations really fail when as per the old Latin quote, like fish they rot from the head i.e. poor leadership. And we both know to our regret the example from first hand experience of a global professional organisation that suffered the final sanction in that regard!

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