The global networks should take no satisfaction from the field-leveling decision of Judge Jayne Jagot of the Federal Court of Australia, who on November 5 found ratings agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P) negligently liable to the purchasers of “grotesquely complicated” derivatives, designed and sold by ABN Amro.
Schadenfreude would be wrong – and not just because it’s too hard to spell.
Consider the cries for accountability, during the recent years of financial calamity, by the auditors and the ratings agencies (e.g., here and here) – both of them, depending on one’s perspective, either vital gate-keepers to the markets, or aiders and abettors of the malefactors.
When their roles are compared, the guilty shiver of pleasure at another’s troubles would under-estimate the potential spreading of exposure. Consider the similarities:
- Both have come to be viewed as essential functions in the world’s capital raising – chiefly by their regulatory authorities, to whom self-preservation and continuing existence are their own primary raison d’être.
- Both are engaged and paid by their clients, upon which direct financial relationship they construct an elaborate edifice in illusory support of the intellectually unsatisfactory concept of an “appearance of independence.”
- Both seek to advance credible arguments that there is legitimate competition in their sector, despite effective barriers to entry that maintain their pass-the-parcel hegemony and an ever-tightening dominance by their respective global cartels.
- Their core products – the standard audit report and the three-letter rating – are delivered to users in prescribed and commoditized language – of which the source is a matter of consumer indifference and authorship would not be obvious absent a letterhead.
- And finally, both couch their language in the qualified language of “opinions” and “judgment. ”
As to the last, however, the critical survivability difference emerges.
Namely, while S&P and its brethren have succeeded in wrapping themselves in the fuzzy if heretofore liability-proof blanket of the First Amendment’s free-speech protection, the auditors have long skirted disaster at the hands of a hindsight jurisprudence that threatens damages far beyond the limits of their financial tolerance or capacity.
For the detail geeks, ABN Amro’s eye-crossingly complex derivatives, code-named “Rembrandt,” and the model-gaming involved in the rating process are laid out in overwhelming detail in the summary of Judge Jagot’s massive decision, and are thoroughly and colorfully discussed elsewhere – here and here.
The result threatens to turn topsy-turvy the ratings agencies’ comfortably protected world. Her Antipodean perspective is that S&P’s triple-A ratings were “misleading and deceptive,” involved “publication of information or statements false in material particulars,” and could not have been given by “a reasonably competent ratings agency.
For the ratings agencies themselves, the threat of worldwide contagion after the Rembrandt decision may be mitigated by both the availability of continuing scorched-earth defense strategies and the likely expiration of statutes of limitations to shield them from crisis-era claims.
For the auditors, who as noted are already far more exposed, it may be otherwise. Because -- taking cautionary note that the Rembrandt investor plaintiffs were supported by a publicly-listed company whose business is the funding and financing of large-scale class action securities litigation (here) – the investor-protection bar is a ruthlessly effective learning organism – to which the Judge’s liability language will operate like a blood-soaked invitation into a shark tank.
Even if not in the already-fraught American litigation market, should her process of hindsight negligence analysis gain traction in the courtrooms of Europe and elsewhere, the large accounting firms will find no ready firewall against the spreading conflagration.
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Jim, every finding of negligence necessarily is made after the events have occurred. Does that mean that all findings of "negligence" or "no negligence" are necessarily wrong because they are made after the fact? Of course not. Presumably S&P will appeal, and the issue will be whether there was enough evidence to support the court's finding. This is not the end of the world. Instead, it is, at least at first look, an incredibly diligent effort by the judge to determine whether S&P should have known that its assumptions were not reasonably based n fact. Since when should a participant in the financial markets get away with that kind of skulduggery?
Posted by: Richard E. Brodsky | November 12, 2012 at 08:11 PM