The October 17 release by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board of previously-undisclosed portions of its 2008 inspection report on the Deloitte firm generated predictable bursts of umbrage from the usual suspects -- e.g., here, here and here.
The cottage industry of the professions’ critics may be satisfied with nothing less than the collapse of the large accounting firms’ business model and the entire franchise of privately-provided assurance. But because self-interest requires a steady supply of stones on which to grind their axes, the sniff of sanctimony resembles Captain Renault’s “shock” at the discovery of gambling at Rick’s Casablanca nightclub.
From its press release, the Board:
“takes very seriously the importance of firms making sufficient progress on quality control issues identified in an inspection report in the 12 months following the report. …The Board can and does make the relevant criticisms public when a firm has failed to do so."
Flawed, opaque and ineffectual the PCAOB’s inspection and reporting process surely is – measured by its failure to achieve public credibility as a constructive force for improved financial reporting quality, even as it adds to the lives of auditors only added stress and box-ticking.
That said, here is a message for the large firms: there are at least two grounds on which to question the reflexive approach taken by Deloitte, to fight off the inspection process by repeating the theme that:
“Professional judgments of reasonable and highly competent people may differ as to the nature and extent of necessary auditing procedures, conclusions reached and required documentation. We believe that reasonable judgments should not be second guessed and, therefore, disagree with a number of comments as indicated below."
The first is simply that it is bad form to convey to a regulator a tone of unvaryingly stubborn antagonism – a lesson that Arthur Andersen’s death spiral should have etched in memory. Having neither competence nor authority to act on a preventive basis, the PCAOB’s only tool is deployment of its functionaries to use their hindsight after the fact. So its minions must feel the hostility of disrespect, when challenged in their very raison d’être.
Or as my grandfather would say, back on the farm, “Don’t wrestle with a pig. You get covered with pig-sh*t, and the pig actually likes it.”
Second and more nuanced – the accounting profession’s on-going and unsuccessful struggle with the public expectation of “zero defects” performance is not aided by the futile repetition of arguments that all judgment calls should go its way.
Instead, successful improvement strategies involve the candid recognition that performance shortcomings present learning opportunities, however unpleasant. The fields of engineering, air traffic safety and hospital ER techniques are exemplary – whereas the auditing profession has never acknowledged or embraced the utility of an effective forum for “failure study.”
“Close calls,” when rationalized away, are not problems fully diagnosed or properly solved, but rather are only buried hostages to fortune, lurking and growing and waiting to erupt.
So a mindset at senior levels, that outsiders’ criticism is to be deflected as nuisance and distraction, is at least an impediment to improvement, and perhaps an invitation to disaster. Examples range from the NASA management’s over-ride and launch of the doomed shuttle Challenger in 1986, to the chain of multi-level risk assessment faults leading to the BP oil well blow-out, to the SEC’s blinkered refusal to credit the warnings around Bernie Madoff.
None of this is to single out Deloittes – not least because, frisky as he is acting these days, it’s a sure bet that PCAOB chairman Doty has a stack of other Big Four reports ready for near-term release on a slow news day, when the others will suffer in their turn.[1]
It is rather to suggest – in terms my Risk Management classes address every week – that it is impossible to achieve improvement if you can’t really measure how good you are.
That realization comes hard – especially when served up by a crude and intrusive regulator – but it still offers a pathway to wisdom.
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[1] And worth noting -- my own dedication to the importance of professionally-provided accounting and assurance – services as old as human commerce – extends back to my first two experiences, decades ago – involving massive problems for Deloitte’s US firm, Haskins & Sells as it then was, each of which led to changes in accepted auditing standards. And sharp-eyed readers have observed the homage on this blog’s banner -- the report issued by Mr. Deloitte himself in 1850 – the first, by my research, and unarguably truly significant, by an independent auditor on a large public company.