“Otter: We could do it with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think …that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!
“Bluto: We're just the guys to do it.”
“Animal House,” 1978
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board's August 16 release and statements pose this central question on auditor independence and the prospect of attempted mandatory rotation:
“Will term limits, set at some appropriate length, with due regard for implementation complexities, reduce the pressures auditors face to develop and protect long-term client relationships to the detriment of investors and our capital markets?”
With all the ambiguity, nonsense and denial right there, focus on mandatory rotation. Time enough to come back to independence, when readers of stout constitution have stocked up enough antacid to alleviate their heartburn in digesting the Concept Release itself.
Consensus unhappiness with the current audit model and the historical “pass/fail” auditor’s report (alluded to by PCAOB member Jay Hanson and as I have discussed here) has, unsurprisingly, not strengthened the tissue-thin case for mandatory auditor rotation. Proof of weakness is, in this case, reciprocal with weakness of proof.
Each of the PCAOB members’ statements nods to the decades-old and too-familiar positions on rotation – Chairman Doty himself managing to mix up a metaphor that only a land-locked Texan could love:
“The learning curve, and cost-based issues involved in changing audit firms, cannot be fairly described as uncharted waters.”
I have charted these waters, near and far (e.g., here and here) – so, not to repeat, this report from the distant end of Chairman Doty’s learning curve:
The world outside the United States is still terra incognita to the PCAOB, whose parochial approach has ignored the barriers to implementation of rotation on the large-company scale – the only sector where the issue should matter at all.
Between now and the public roundtable scheduled for March 2012, two matters of compelling impracticality should be on the table.
First is the PCAOB’s limited ex-US authority. Although the agency proclaims robust worldwide impact (e.g., the Chairman’s speech, here), its record is otherwise, and suspect.
Instead, the PCAOB has shown itself all too lacking in ability to operate effectively outside the US at all – witness the empty-handed return of its mission last month to China – a market from which the agency has been completely excluded although China has emerged in the last year as a major exporter to America of corporate malfeasance and shenanigans (tracked by Kevin LaCroix’s D&O Diary and even on the screen of researchers at the PCAOB itself).
Were the PCAOB to attempt mandated auditor rotation outside the United States, the consequences – fully foreseeable, and obnoxious -- would range from securities trading prohibitions on the American exchanges, to considerably irritated securities and accountancy regulators in countries understandably miffed at the infringements on their sovereignty.
Picture, for example, the situations of Deutsche Bank, audited in Germany by KPMG, or Sociéte Générale, audited jointly in France by Ernst & Young and Deloitte.
Even if replacement auditors were available, whether in the US or elsewhere – which is far from a certainty (see below) – it defies both logic and imagination to think that audit quality could be improved by obliging a German or French--based parent to engage an additional new audit firm to achieve a single opinion on its consolidated worldwide financial statements.
As for auditor displacement at the parent level, there should be no reason to think that regulators of the securities markets and the accounting profession in those countries would tolerate, much less welcome, such an uninvited intrusion.
So the PCAOB’s ability to impose its will on major foreign regulators is comparable to the idea that audit quality requires each audit opinion to be personally signed by a Tyrannosaurus Rex – simplistic to mandate, although ill-advised, and impossible to achieve.
As for the second issue -- resource availability -- there is more than the PCAOB recognizes to the Big Four’s nearly total dominance at the global level of large-company audit – besides the awareness that mandatory rotation would only increase the tetrapoly’s hold.
Namely – in many major economies one firm has clear leadership in large-company audits – e.g., PwC in the UK, KPMG in Germany, E&Y in France, and Deloitte in Spain.
A result is significantly lop-sided distribution of technical and industry expertise and personnel even among the Big Four, constraining rotation choices because such talent shortfalls are not readily or quickly solvable.
That is, what incentive would there be for a firm with a resource deficit to invest the time and cost to build or import the competence needed to rotate onto a complex, world-scale audit engagement – with the known prospect that its prospective new client and its stream of fees would be rotating away at the end of the cycle?
And if not, symmetrically, how does a large company rotate its auditors, if there is no place to turn?
Seekers for answers might recall the legend written on the old flat-earth maps – that beyond the horizons of ignorance, “there be dragons.”
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I agree with your post. I listened intently to the PCAOB's meeting and read the concept release with great interest.
What we know: 1) audit costs will increase; 2) audit quality is likely to decrease, at least in the first several years and perhaps the last several years as the best personnel are moved to other audits (particularly on the largest audits, which, as you pointed out, are the ones that matter most; 3)the implementation of such a rule would, at best, be a mess internationally and, at worst, be impossible to implement.
What we don't know: Whether mandatory rotation will have any benefits, let alone benefits that outweigh the considerable costs. How many times did the PCAOB staff say in Tuedays's meeting that they had made no link between audit quality and audit tenure, or that they hadn't done a sufficient root cause analysis to understand whether the audit "failures" were caused by a lack of skepticism attributed to lengthy tenure?
What a waste of PCAOB resources when there are so many other meaningful things they could be doing. They still haven't updated more than half of their interim standards.
Posted by: CJ | August 18, 2011 at 08:46 AM