Here comes summer.
School is out - oh happy day.
Classes finished last weekend for the students in my MBA-level course in Risk Management. They are even now beavering away on their final papers: assessments of the flaws and defects in risk handling among the many catastrophic business failures of the last four years.
While awaiting their efforts and the task of year-end grading, I have two summer projects – both involving the re-calibration of our syllabus, which explores the lengthy catalog of executive and governmental bias, errors, misapprehension and general group-based follies that have defined the recent era of unprecedented excess and turmoil. The differences will be interesting.
For one, I am asked by a professor at a near-by college whether this curriculum on the diagnostics of fallibility would deploy for a classroom of capable undergraduates. My cautious “yes” rests on the continuity and commonality of the themes:
To take only one of our subjects of study -- the group-think, dissent suppression and publicity-oriented overrides of technical competence that led to the break-up and loss of the Challenger space shuttle in 1986 were replicated in the blow-out of the Deepwater Horizon oil-well in April 2010. Are we learning anything yet?
Or – it does not require a degree in finance to appreciate that the unlearned lessons of the failed financial models that took down Long Term Capital Management in 1998 recurred in the model-driven rush to disaster that spun out of the subprime mortgage derivatives sector starting with the implosion of the Bear Stearns real estate funds in 2007.
The lessons may have evaded the decision-makers at the time, but they are well within the aptitude of a collection of above-average undergraduates.
I am less confident of my second mission – a call from the leadership of a world-class professional services organization. There, job-by-job client delivery is impeccable, but the prevailing attitude toward risk is that “we’ve always done it this way, and it works” – a view that leaves the firm hostage to an inability to distinguish skill from dumb luck.
The challenge to offering advice in the commercial world – an environment be-set by the logically flawed belief that if a problem has not arisen in the past, it will not in the future – is the lack of appetite for the same kind of time and effort that my students put into the scrutiny of multi-disciplinary learning opportunities. “Manage what you measure” is an unfortunately blinkered approach, when it is precisely what you don’t know that blows up and kills you – whether it is among the dinosaurs unable to conceive or adapt to the emergence of the faster, smarter mammals, or Bernie Madoff’s investors with their addictive blindness to the reality behind monthly account statements simply too good to be true.
It is sensitive, to find diplomatic language in which to convey risk process deficiencies to a senior executive team, where as one commentator bluntly puts it, “They’re not good, and they don’t know it.”
One alternative, in an only slightly more nuanced articulation, is put as a question: “How can you design a strategy to get better, if you lack the skills to evaluate how good you really are?”
Studying past failures is a good place to start. That’s where my students focus their attention – working toward their own personal pay-off in superior skills in analysis and application once they are launched into the workplace.
But that’s not an approach that goes down well in the business and professional world. The humility of accepted limits comes hard to a latter-day Ozymandias such as Dick Fuld or Chuck Prince or Angelo Mozilo – their reputations along with their visages now lying shattered and half-sunk.
So even as I search for the ways to press for improved perceptions and performance among my clients, it’s a certainty that a renewed cycle of mis-behavior, failures and collapses is brewing and will continue to feed the academic appetite for new material.
Readers having good examples under any of these headings are cordially invited to contribute to the searching.
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