Son, always remember: some day, somewhere, a guy is going to come to you and show you a nice brand-new deck of cards, and this guy is going to offer to bet you that the jack of spades will jump out of this deck and squirt cider in your ears. But son, do not bet him, for as sure as you do, you are going to get an ear full of cider.
-- Damon Runyon, “The Idyll of Miss Sarah Brown” (1933)
A question for those charged with risk management and fraud prevention:
What’s your company policy on employing or doing business with ostensibly reformed white-collar criminals?
And is a re-think indicated by the news that Barry Minkow, wunderkind among securities swindlers for the scam at ZZZZ Best in the 1980’s, for which he served seven years of a double-digit sentence on 57 counts, is negotiating a securities-fraud plea bargain under which he now faces fives fresh years of jail time (here).
My concern is a prosaic one – not Hollywood’s question whether his return to federal housing means that the pending Minkow bio-pic requires re-shooting of a new ending (here), or whether the February burglary of $50,000 at the Community Bible Church where he recently resigned as pastor (here) bears any of his felonious fingerprints (here).
It’s only this: Given the rate of relapse among those described by English essayist Charles Lamb as “so crooked that if they’d swallow a spike, they’d void out a corkscrew,” should a company concerned for its reputation and fiscal soundness ever yield to sentiment and invite such a fox back into its henhouse?
Experience over the years counsels against it. Examples in my own catalog include the large-company CEO convict, who finagled a reduced sentence via a convenient medical excuse, and was no sooner paroled to a halfway house than he took over its single pay-phone to peddle the rosy promises of new oil deals. Or the youthful CFO applicant who persuaded an employer of his time-served maturation, following bucket-shop charges; the naïve advice of the audit firm partner was to “keep the kid away from the cash” – unavailing to prevent a scandalous and catastrophic collapse and a portfolio of lengthy prison sentences for the entire executive team.
And it was surely foreseeable, following O.J.Simpson’s circus-trial acquittal, that his temporarily dampened symptoms of renewed personal violence would re-erupt – the only question being the period of his volcanic latency.
For a risk manager the decision-making process is a two-by-two matrix – evaluating the rewards and benefits of a yes/no choice whether to chance re-attachment to someone’s checkered past.
A successful result could yield good and honest performance – non-trivial, but likely not different from that available with many other candidates – whereas the negative – a relapse into criminality – would at minimum be seriously costly and disruptive.
On the other hand the cautious choice to forego the relationship would mean sacrificing the potential contribution of an ex-felon – again, a modest upside – although avoiding the destruction that a recidivist’s presence might cause.
The analytic process has its formulation in the 17th-century French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal’s wager on the existence of God:
Betting against the proposition, with no particular reward for being right, could – if proved wrong -- suffer the punishment of an eternally vengeful deity. Rather, the wager in favor of His existence carries no hazard if incorrect, but offers the upside of an eternity of bliss.
Minkow’s own now-former church is no doubt a repository of repentance, atonement, forgiveness and charity. Admirable qualities, all. But they should not overwhelm what is learnable from logic and experience.
Namely: the percentage of white-collar wrongdoers in the executive suites is small to begin with. But once the “contingent possibility” is established – that is, an already existing proclivity to misbehave – the risk calculus is fundamentally changed.
There is a cottage industry of ex-cons and their acolytes, working the book-and-lecture circuit and flogging scripts of penitence and redemption pitched to the credulous.
It is one thing to read their stories and even to consider the quondam relevance of their experiences. But the case is not made that they should be entrusted with access to the balance sheets of any enterprise involving other people’s money.
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