Holiday gifts arrived early in December for the circle of players around the wreckage that was Bernie Madoff. There are several lessons.
First, the widow of Madoff’s ur-client Jeffrey Picower redefined the landscape of civil forfeitures by agreeing with Madoff trustee Irving Picard to turn over an astonishing $7.2 billion – said to be her late husband’s entire take from a 35-year relationship (here).
Second, Picard himself dumped sacks of coal and lawsuits into the stockings of the Madoff enablers – notably including Unicredit, JPMorgan Chase, UBS and HSBC – charging them with notice of Madoff’s irregularities even while profiting from their proximity as custodians, administrators and managers of the monies fed to him by investors (the FT’s December series is well summarized here).
The former is of interest at least as a matter of social behavior and norm-setting. The latter will have reverberations with effect on the relationships between banks and other intermediaries and their own gate-keepers, including their auditors.
Barbara Picower faced this dilemma: She could have spent the rest of her own life defending against Picard’s suit, fighting uphill to protest the conduct and virtue of her spouse – who, charitably accepting her own claim of innocent ignorance of Madoff’s scheming, confronted the plainly demonstrable character evidence of his propensity to cheat at golf (a favorite post with readers from March 2009 is here).
Or – presumably able to live in adequate comfort on her bequest from Jeffrey of $ 200 million, and thus dramatically re-calculating the magnitude of a “widow’s mite” – she could launder her own status with a dramatic gesture of civility and largesse.
Secular sainthood is seldom so available – and with nary a hungry day either.
The noblesse of the widow Picower has made life less pleasant for Madoff’s other A-list clients. Those like Picower, close enough to finger the tattered edges of his moral fabric, are now forced to choose. They can oppose Picard’s claims to claw back their ill-gotten returns, under the shadow of the widow’s precedential capitulation. Or they can join the settlement queue – although not cushioned by the generous inheritance she enjoys, and to be seen only as belated converts, never to enjoy the halo effect she obtained as first-mover.
Depending on his trawl through Madoff’s client list, Picard is now working on a shortfall of some $10 billion. Of that, it says here that he will extract on the order of $ 1 billion from HSBC alone – precisely on account of the roadmap to its liability provided by the due-diligence engagements performed for the bank by KPMG in 2005 and 2007 and roundly ignored. It’s a plaintiff’s dream and an evidentiary nightmare for the bank that, prediction suggests, HSBC will pay handsomely to keep far away from a trial.
There’s more here, though: The KPMG engagements are a roadmap not only to what was done for its client, but to what could have been done for the other enablers targeted by Picard. Therein will lie a tale for the courts – and another set of eight or nine-figure contributions eventually to reach Picard’s collection basket.
But now for the broader questions: What if HSBC had taken KPMG’s work to heart. Or the other banks and feeder funds had engaged credible due diligence by their advisers on accounting, auditing and controls? Madoff’s pyramid would have been toppled before it reached pedestrian levels.
Suppose by extension, while we are at it, that Lehman Brothers had asked E&Y for a critical study of the exposures lurking in its use of repo derivatives to window-dress its balance sheet? And actually acted on it?
Or that Daniel Bouton at Société Générale had re-deployed a portion of his bank’s costs of external audit to give actionable scrutiny to the corrupted back-office operation that was so expensively exploited by rogue trader Jérôme Kerviel?
Or that AIG had given credence to a state-of-thinking study of the non-correlated nature of the inter-connected structure of the global CDO market?
Instead of the risk management possibilities of available but unavailed sources of wisdom, these institutions continued to subscribe to the one-page, bog-standard commoditized reports that regulators require from auditors – to be ignored in good times, because they convey no value regarding non-problematic operations, and useless for the detection and prevention of catastrophic events in bad.
It’s a closed and obsolete system as bankrupt as Bernie Madoff himself. In the entire cast of characters, Barbara Picower emerges so far as the best of the whole sorry lot.
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