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January 24, 2010


J.D. Kern

Hmmm. My doctor doesn't ask me about handguns, but perhaps he thinks that's a low-likelihood combination with a middle-aged suburban accountant? What is it you do for a living? Evidently professors live a much more dangerous life than I had previously thought.


Thanks JD. In fact the statistics are pretty nasty, as to the escalated likelihood of becoming a victim of fatal violence, by living in a household that keeps handguns. And since it's one of the non-trivial health threats that is in fact manageable, why not? As for the opportunity to act ahead of time, think of the sad futility in the the local tv news coverage of a suburban homicide: "But he was such a quiet kind of guy..."


"What basis do you have for your handgun statement? Has the research been properly peer reviewed? I would think a professor would be willing to support his conclusions with more than anecdotal evidence. The simple fact is you are less likely to be a victim of violent crime if you have a handgun (see John Lott's research)."

Thanks Brent -- this discussion would have to take place elsewhere, gun-related issues probably being the second most divisive issue in the American discourse. Would that the dialog on the assurance franchise generated a fraction of the interest -- Jim

Alvaro Sedlacek

LOL and becoming sadder for agreeing with the comments.

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