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September 13, 2009


Alvaro Sedlacek

Dennis Howlett is right, but what he cannot see is the real thing. Consulting business are going to be more and more profitable, while assurance is more and more seen as a legal obligation and no shareholder trusts anymore whatever auditors say. The truth is the business got more and more complex and a thorough audit process would take more skills and manpower than any assuring firm (Big 4 or not) could ever provide without going bankrupt.
The problem though does not lie on the conflict of interests - and this is not what led deceased Andersen's to the collapse.
Prior to that sad Enron chapter there was a more significant one: the goodbye of Accenture's consultancy revenues. Accenture had less partners and a far bigger profit margin per partner than Andersen's. The relationship became bitter because of money and only because of money.
Without Accenture, Andersen had to push the remaining businesses to increase profit margins - assurance included. This meant accepting clients and procedures that were absolutely out of line and ended just where it had to end.
Now, the question is, with the consulting businesses generating more and more profit while assurance businesses suffer to maintain its financial performance, how long will it take for other consulting arms of the big 4 to claim for "independence"? Not that long, I believe. And the history will repeat itself. Again and again, until companies learn to pay less for their executives and put them to work instead of using external consulting services to every and all of their not "business-as-usual" moves.

Jim Peterson

Don't disagree.

On Sep 23, 2009, at 8:13 PM, [email protected] wrote:

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